Bernard, there is a video of a panel discussion, available on youtube, that
explores the topic of museum web sites and their value.  You can search for
it by title, "What's the Point of a Museum Web Site."  The meat of the
discussion starts about 5 minutes in; there's some good philosophical as
well as practical insight.

Sarah Clark
Staten Island Historical Society
Staten Island, NY
718-351-1611, ext. 272

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Message: 2
Date: Wed, 31 Jul 2013 19:59:38 +0000
From: Bernard Hamlin <>
To: "mcn-l at" <mcn-l at>
Subject: [MCN-L] Online vs physical visits
Message-ID: <hg95dalyrjx6wfwubiv4u782.1375300773721 at>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Hey there,

I've been having a long running discussion with our team about the impact of
our website on physical visits to our building.
The rub appears to be the idea that offering a Web experience of objects and
exhibitions will cannibalise real experiences.
I'm not convinced that this is the case but I don't have any numbers, which
are important! Would anyone out there be willing to share door numbers say
before and after launching an online collection? Or a similar metric?


Bernard Hamlin
IT Coordinator
Otago Museum

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