Damn... no wonder some of my recordings sound so flat :-P

However.. anyone how heard Mr. Mister's "Kyrie Eleison" - a prime example -
the beginning is semi-soft, then there's a loud guitar riff.  "On air"
though, it does sound dull :-(

Come on, I need those peaks during the mid-afternoon doldrums at work!!

"Colin Burchall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 07/10/99 07:43:47 AM

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cc:    (bcc: Steven Brooks/HOME_OFF/AGLIFE)
Subject:  Re: MD: Compression on Radio

PrinceGaz wrote:

>some knowledge of it, do radio stations "compress" music, and is
>this more prelavent in mediumwave AM than ~100MHz FM stations?

In Oz, AM has pretty much gone as a source of listenable music - most of it
is now just talk, racing, and other sports commentaries.  FM, OTOH carries
good variety of music, and all the popular stations use dynamic compression
to keep the levels relatively constant.  It is especially noticable on
with strong peaks - they're almost instantly attenuated and it takes a
second or so to recover.  Once I've listened to a song on MD in my car a
times, when I hear it again on the radio I notice the effect of the
compression, even if it wasn't obvious before I had an original to compare
it to.

Some stations here even roll off the top end for some stupid reason.  Maybe
their licences are cheaper if they restrict their bandwidth.  Who knows,
I can tell you it's annoying.


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