I think I know the answer to this question, but would like to run it
past you first, before popping down to Tandy (aka Radio Shack)
and buying the necessary splitters and cables.  And knowing me,
wandering around thinking "that's sure to be useful sometime" as
I browse the racks of components and things.

Anyway what I was wondering is, can I use a RCA plug to 2xRCA
socket connector on each channel of my amplifier's TAPE OUT
(effectivelly a Line Out).  I am actually hoping to split it three ways
simultaneously (the existing tape deck, my MD, and my soundcard
Line In) and think it should work.

Not only work, but have a negligible effect on the sound level.  That's
because the output impedance of the amps tape out (rec) is rated
as 1kohm, whereas the input impedance of the tape deck and MD
are both around 47kohm and I doubt the soundcard would be less
than 10kohm (it's a genuine SB16).

So I assume I'm correct in thinking connecting all three in parallel
is not only feasible, but will cause no noticeable noise increase (I
can easily unplug the computer if the electrical noise all computers
have spills onto the soundcard's line in).

Does anyone forsee any problems with such a setup?  The only
thing that comes to my mind is earth voltage mismatch, but I feel
that is unlikely.

PrinceGaz -> Hoping the usual bunch of "techies" will help me.

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