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* Dan Frakes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  on Fri, 30 Jul 1999
| Or, those people use their brains, do some research, and find that the
| newer 702s (MK) don't seem to have the same problems as the older ones.
| They then realize that for $130 they're getting a pretty good deal.

Yep.  Although I bad lucked out and picked mine up shortly before the most
recent price drop.  Still, ~$200 after rebate ain't bad, especially when I
paid twice that for my R30 two years ago.

| And if you want to get into probabilities and expected values, assuming
| an average repair cost of $100,

The only real problem I've had with my R30 is the clip on the remote
breaking.  I've had it replaced twice, now.  $50 a whack... except I spent
the $60 for the 5-year extended warranty so it cost me $60 for the two of
them :).  Extended warranties are definitely your friend when it comes to
portable electronics.
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