          = NB: Over 50% of this message is QUOTED, please  =
          =     be more selective when quoting text         =

But you did totally misunderstand my statement.  Perhaps mentioning the MZ-1 is
that led to the confusion.  I probably should have not brought it up.

My quote says "other Sony products".  Not other Sony MD products.  I specifically
meant to say by the use of the word "other" products other then Sony MD.

That is one of the problems with e mail.  If I were talking to you and had made
that statement, you could have immediately let me know that you thought I was
referring to other SONY MD products.  And I could have clarified that.

Sorry for any misunderstanding.  I was referring to VCRs, Camcorders etc.  A sales
man at Circuit City one told me that Sony had been having trouble with their TVs
for a while, but has corrected the problem.

I wasn't buying a TV so he had no reason to make the statement in an attempt to
push me to a brand where he makes a larger commission.  I was very surprised to
hear about the TVs, because I had never heard of problems with them before.  And
many people consider them to have the finest pictures.


Dan Frakes wrote:

> >Either you have totally miss read what I said or I made a typo.
> >I don't not say Sony portable MD players. As a matter of fact I
> >specifically stated that I had not heard of much trouble with
> >Sony portable MD units.
> You must have made a big typo then; here's a quote from your message:
> On 7/30/99, LAS <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Sony has been a mixed bag. I really haven't seem to many
> >problems with the R55. But Sony products other than the R55 have
> >been know to be nothing but trouble. I own the original Sony
> >portable MD recorder. (MZ-1). I had to return it twice during
> >the warranty period.
> In this message you state that although you haven't seen problems with
> the R55, Sony products other than the R55 have "been know (sic) to be
> nothing but trouble" and then support that statement with an anecdote
> about how you had to return the MZ-1 twice in the first year.
> It doesn't appear that I totally misread what you said ;-)
> >I was speaking about the general reliability of Sony products.
> As the above quote from you shows, you were specifically speaking about
> the reliability of Sony portable minidisc units.
> >I don't understand your statements about Consumer Reports.  That is just your
> >opinion.  And what are you basing it on?
> I am basing it on my background in statistics. From my understanding of
> the methodology of Consumer Reports' reliability surveys, these surveys
> tend to overrepresent those who are very happy and those who are very
> unhappy. A model that has made a group of people unhappy can get a
> disproportionately higher number of negative reviews, and can thus appear
> to have much worse reliability than it actually exhibits in reality. And
> vice versa (on the positive side). From that logic, it also follows that
> the more popular a brand is, the more "very happy" and "very unhappy"
> people there are going to be, and thus, the greater chance that the
> results of the survey does not represent reality.
> Consumer Report's _own_ reliability reports (where they actually
> objectively test a product over a period of time and then report back
> their results) are something I usually put some faith in; but I take
> their consumer-reported reliability surveys with a grain of salt.
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