From: Geoffrey Goode <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Funny thing is, it's legal to sell transmitters on say 105MHz here, legal to
> >buy them, legal to own them, but illegal to use them.  What the f**k do these
> >people think you're gonna do with such a thing if you buy one?  Then again
> >everyone in the UK with a CB radio should renew their CB Radio Licence
> >annually-- I bet less than 5% of CB users have a license, the post office
> >probably gets more requests for dog licences than CB radio ones :-)
> For non UK subscribers the dog licence was withdrawn in the UK several
> years ago.

Exactly my point :-)

> Pirate radio mainly, or like us run a small radio station twice per year
> which operates using a restricted service licence issued by the UK Radio
> Authority.  A large number of the stations broadcasting in London are
> pirates.

Funny, up here in Newcastle, UK there are very few pirate radio stations,
perhaps one or two might be heard on a sunday afternoon but little else.
They're easy to spot-- generally mono transmissions, often over modulated
to sound louder, and adverts if any are... amateurish to say the least.
Mind you there's only community stations (one, Galaxy) above 104.4MHz so
theres plenty of bandspace to play with-- 106.5-108MHz is empty.

Sorry for an OT post,
PrinceGaz -- "never known to post off-topic, sort of"

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