>It's observed from an electronic point of view in that grounding static
>sensitive devices prior to doing anything else is definitely the best
>practice. Take a look at your deck's installation instructions. Every 
>brand that I've read from has explicitly noted that the ground lead should
>be connected first prior to doing any other connections.

Yeah, I know that, usually the first thing i do is to earth something (in 
the sensible parts of the world the earth pin of the power plug connects 
before the other two), but you should remember that in a battery, the 
negative connection isn't earth, it is earthed to the body of the car.  
Therefore if you happen to touch the car body while attaching the positive 
lead after the you'll actually be shorting the two power connections (i'm 
not sure exactly what the consequences are), whereas on a power point if you 
short the active to earth, you just send the current to the ground.

Christopher Spalding
Genius, generally excellent and gifted person.

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