An X-Files fan site shut down by FOX was mentioned
here. FYI, the case was won by FOX based on the
concept of "trademark dilution" (a very valid
concern), not on copyright issues per se. It had to do
with the context where copyrighted work was used, and
with the "message" that could be interpreted
differently from the "message" contained in the series
and the official web site.

Again, you might hear about an mp3 server shut down by
an ISP for mp3 files trafficking, but it's more than
likely a preemptive action on the part of an ISP who
are wary of *possible* legal action against them. In 
general, undercover agents approach traders with an
intent to *buy* a copy of a work of art, only then the
arrest could be made. In case of doubt, read KW Jeter
"Noir". It includes a rather graphic description of an
arrest of a copyright violator. 

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