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* "Sydtech" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  on Mon, 27 Dec 1999
| Pirates are what gives the record companies the cold sweats.
| True "tape traders" (or whatever the format) trade boots, NOT pirate copies
| of stuff that's available.

As I said before, I am not a lawer, but I figure that whoever owns the
rights to the live performance owns the rights to recordings made of the
performance.  At the very least, the performer himself probably owns the
rights to his own performance.  So, I figure that if you do not have his
permission to distribute copies of recordings of his performance, you do
not have permission to distribute copies of recordings of his performance.
But you would have to ask a copyright lawyer whether or not a live
performance qualifies as being "tangible" under law.

Anyway, the original poster was asking about "trading" MD copies of
commercially released CDs, which is piracy.
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