Look what this creep is sending me, to my personal e-mail address.  I
quit.  The topic is over, to the relief of many, I'm sure.  I tried do
be nice.  I have tried to be educational.  This will be the third time
I have asked this jerk not to e-mail me to my personal address.  He
does not respect this wish.  Talk about a lack of ethics.  How could
anyone respect anything he has to say about ethics or the law?  I am a
professional attorney.  I graduated with honors from a top law school.
I tied for the highest grade in my class in Constitutional law, had
the highest grade in my class in Criminal law, and, to be honest, I
don't remember all of my other grades.  I did very well.  I did not do
poorly in any class my entire time in law school.  I've never been in
one of these stupid flame wars before.  I'm not a jerk, I'm not going
to return fire.  I just want this creep off my back.  If nothing is
done about this, if this is tolerated conduct for someone on the list,
I am unsubscribing.

Regards to the list,  Steve

----- Original Message -----
From: Jeffrey E. Salzberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 31, 1999 9:57 PM
Subject: Re: MD: Another look at the AHRA and MD

> > It's legal to copy someone else's CD for noncommercial use here.
> > AHRA.  Federal Constitutional law.
> My guess is that you didn't do well in Copyright Law in law school.
> You keep saying it's legal; who knows -- maybe if you say it often
> enough, it'll *become* legal.
> Hint: it's not legal -- because if you're copying someone else's CD,
> your assets are being increased. . .and, legally, that's commercial.
> =========================================
> Jeffrey E. Salzberg, Lighting Designer
> http://www.cloud9.net/~salzberg
> =========================================

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