Man. The way you guys talk about MDs vs. MP3s you'd figure it was a 
national crisis.... But hey, who am I to say? I'm about to throw my own 2 
cents into the pool...

I'm still using my R30 (just recorded a Broadway performance this past 
Sunday!) but I'm now in the market for a portable MP3 player. Why? 
Simplicity and portability. Oh, MD is portable allright. But it's time 
consuming and annoying as hell to make my own compilations each time I want 
to go on the road. I don't listen to the same songs every day of the year 
and a compilation I made two months ago isn't gonna cut it for this week. 
With the mp3 player, it's one device; the ultimate in rewritability and 
simplicity. No more shuffling MDs for "that one" compilation that I made 
yesterday or who knows when. On my desktop, I have a winamp playlist that 
changes content, oh, every week or every other week or so. And the songs 
included on the list aren't always my "newest acquisitions" either. Heck, 
sometimes there's nothing new on it either.

I still remember the first time I researched MDs on the now "MD Community" 
page and reading Rick's comment about the future of portable audio and 
solid state equipments. Little did I suspect that it would come so fast.

Sound quality? Yeah, MD sounds great. Heck, I'm still saving up for an R90 
and an MD deck later on. But sound quality? For on the road listening? 
Hell, MP3s are good enough. With the bus/train/car/plane noise that exists 
when I "listen on the go," I can't worry about reproducing that one 
particular frequency of that one song with test tones in it.

Yes, MP3 ties you to a computer. Most people who collect MP3s are heavy 
computer users. I currently share an apartment w/ another person and I've 
got my system in my room, which I spend a lot of time in. So.... 
computer... audio... VOILA! I'm not going to spend my money for a stereo 
set when I can use that money for something else (e.g., save up for that 
R90 and the MD deck!).

At 22:04 01/24/00 , you wrote:
>enough music to last quite a long time, and with sony's 200 cd changer, if
>you run out of music listening to that, then there is something wrong, these
>people who have to have all thier cdr's filled with mp3's will never listen
>to all these, they are just 3l33t little warez dorks.

I've seen people with over 500 CDs. What are they? Old geezers who'll never 
listen to all their classical music?

I have yet to burn any of my MP3s to CDs because it defeats the whole 
purpose of having everything in one location...


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