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It always works. Trow some heavy anti arguments in the threath and
you'll get
som real answers. Until now, I've only heard of MP3 in "Yeah, let's
download the
song, collect as much music as possible... and last but not least, FOR

Magic, I agree with you, there is something good about MP3. I've seen
sites that
let you download MP3 samples of CDs. And for 'distributing' audio using
the internet
it's offcourse a great media.

But when it comes to MP3 players, things start to get blurry, I don't
see the benefits
off them. What does it realy bring?  


> From: Ralph Smeets <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2000 9:40 AM
> Subject: Re: MD: MP3 -- Am I the only one that hates it so?
> > 1) You're not allone. I hate MP3 too!
> Why hate it? Let's be reasonable here, it's a good method of transferring
> music around the world, it has a lot of untapped potential which largely
> goes un-noticed because of bad side to it that gets the most media
> attention. Just because people use it for illegal purposes doesn't mean it
> is a bad thing, it means the people using it are bad - hate them instead!
> You get people using cars for ram-raids but do you blame the car? Of course
> not! You get people using MP3 to pirate music over the internet, should you
> blame MP3? No!
> > 2) It's maybee for free in the USA, in Europe you have to pay at least
> > the
> >    phone-bill. (And downloading takes ages).
> So a 5 minute song is 5 minutes and takes 30 minutes to download on the
> average 56k modem. In the UK that would cost you about 30p, only a few pence
> more than it costs to post a letter! It's not really the cost that is a big
> issue, it's that unfortunately most of Europe is still stuck with old
> technology that involves a lot of waiting around for things to download.
> > 3) MP3s are for free on the 'underground' and 'illegal' sites. And they
> > are
> >    constantly changing their URL since they're often kicked of the
> > server from
> >    the providers.. So before finding the right song, you have to surf
> > for an
> >    hour to find it....
> No, that's only the illegal sites. MP3.COM for example, use it to promote
> new bands, and many music sites such as CD-NOW have started using it
> alongside RealAudio to provide music clips. Musicians are using it to
> exchange ideas, recording in low-rate MP3 and sending via EMail to other
> musicians working on the same project. Some are using it as internet radio,
> and it works quite well if used with a database system to store sounds (the
> new version of Encarta apparently uses MP3 as the audio storage format as it
> allows more to be packed onto the disc). If you look at who is using it, and
> what they are using it for, you will find one common connection though, and
> that is they are all using computers. You wont find people recording out in
> the field with MP3 (not even laptop PCs and MP3 encoders) and not everyone
> wants their PC as their main music system, although some people may find it
> useful.
> > 4) The easy access sites are mostly commercial. So you have to pay a
> > price for
> >    the song.
> Well if they ever start dishing out CDs and MDs for free let me know where!!
> Until that happens then yes, if you want something, you will have to pay for
> it (unless you want an illegal copy of course - SCMS killer anybody?).
> MP3 is a good format, and it has a lot of practical uses, but like any
> freely available technology it is open to abuse. What seems evident from
> this topic, is that a large number of MD users seem to be very territorial,
> and hate MP3 simply because it dared to step into the same area as MD. MD
> has one very distinct advantage over MP3 though: If you want to use MD you
> *only* need the MD recorder. If you want to use MP3 players, which are the
> so-called competition, you need a computer and suitable software. MD is very
> much a stand alone audio solution, whereas MP3 players are just toys for
> computer buffs. The danger comes from if they make MP3 recorders as
> stand-alone units requiring no extra hardware.
> Magic
> --
> "Creativity is more a birthright than an acquisition, and the power of sound
> is wisdom and understanding applied to the power of vibration."
> Location : Portsmouth, England, UK
> Homepage : http://www.mattnet.freeserve.co.uk
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Ralph Smeets        Functional Verification Centre Of Competence -  CMG
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  "For many years, mankind lived just like the animals. And then 
   something happened that unleashed the powers of our imagination: 
   We learned to talk."
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