>       CD:             PC interface, exploiting CDDB and CD-Index
>       CD->MD:         Automaticly title MD name and tracks from CDDB
>       MP3->MD:        Automaticly title MD tracks trom mp3 tags
>       MD->PC:         Automaticly name sound files

I bought the MDS-PC2 hoping that I could get the exact support that you
describe.  However, I was disappointed.  The MD Editor2 software does not
support CDDB (what an oversight that was).  Nor does it support dumping your
MD songs to sound files (although other programs will can capture the sound
data for you... but you still have the naming problem).

Therefore, I have decided to write my own software for these purposes.  I am
currently writing a WinAmp plug-in that will automatically start recording,
create new tracks as they are played in WinAmp, title the tracks via the ID3
information, and stop recording when the playlist is complete.
Unfortunately, in order to do this, I need to figure out exactly how to
communicate with the CAV unit that comes with the MDS-PC2.  I have found
some web sites that describe this but not to the extent that I would need.
I guess I will be spending a lot of time with a serial port monitor...

Dustin Norman
Software Engineer
NuMega Lab
Compuware Corporation

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