> I saw on "Tomorrow's World" (a UK science and technology
> programme if you didn't know what it is) an item about music of
> the future. Other than mentions of MP3, they also showed an MD
> jukebox. It was about the same size as a traditional jukebox. You
> put your MD in the machine, selected the song you wanted to put
> onto it, and it said "within a few seconds the track was copied
> to you're Minidisc". The cost was about  2 a song. They're coming
> to the UK steets soon from Japan.

I was just writing an email about that.. :)

They mentioned the possiblity of having them connected together so there
could be a huge central database of songs (I assume they'll keep the most
popualar stuff on the machines themselves).

At 2 UKP (about $3.20) per track, I don't see it being a competitor for
premastered compilations, but if it's got a wide range of music I'd be happy
to pay 2 UKP for a particularly hard-to-find track.

> This looks like a really great idea, and should spread the usage
> of MD's. I'm also interested how the tracks are copied to the
> MD's so quickly. Does anyone know how this is done?

I'd have thought it's a refinment of the way the W1 works. If the machines
store the tracks as ATRAC data, it's just dumping that directly onto the

These machines can only be good for MD :)


(btw - did anyone see the MP3 watch for 280 UKP? Ugly as anything, and it
only stores 16 minutes!)

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