> I heard that a few times. What I see in the shops says otherwise - 
> you can
> get blank MDs in ASDA (a supermarket) now!

Yeah, CVS, Food Lion and Giant carry like, 3 packs.

Dollar General had some at one point. Don't know where they got them
from. But it was like, 3 pack for $3.50. Crap though.


> 15 hours of the same 30 minutes of music doesn't appeal to me. I 
> usually
> take about 3 or 4 MDs out with me for variety. I also take a blank 
> for
> recording on if I feel I want to.

3 or 4??? I take my whole case, about 30, 24 in the sleeves and 6 between
the pocket that holds the plastic part for the sleeves and case top.

> Well as of yet I haven't seen an MP3 recorder than can make near CD 
> quality
> recordings from a microphone, but I would love to be proven wrong. 
> I've
> tried a few MP3 players and I'm much happier with MD. Maybe in a few 
> years
> when MP3 has caught up I may feel differently,

The circuts in MP3 only call for, at best, radio quality. And problem
with MP3 is they THINK they're improving it when in reality they can't do
much more.

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