> I would just like to let everyone know that it is possible to use MD
> players on the Airbus A320, 319 and Boeing 737 despite what previously
> may have been said on the list. I know coz I used mine and the the
> aircraft didn't fall from the sky!


I drove my car this morning and I didn't have any accident.... 

Still accidents happen!

Somebody I know doesn't care if he's drunk or sober when driving. He never
had an accident.

I can come up with several more examples of 'nothing happened' thus it must
be safe! It's just plain crazy to say that. Drinking before driving increases
the risk for an accident. Using your CD/MD player/recorder while the cabin
crew told you not too, is exactly the same. You increase the risk. If it only
kills you, it's fine for me, but chances are that I'm in the same plane. And
I've got a girl-friend and a cat to take car of!

Ralph -> who wants to live! (you can't enjoy MD while dead can you?)

Ralph Smeets        Functional Verification Centre Of Competence -  CMG
Voice:  (+33) (0)4 76 58 44 46                       STMicroelectronics
Fax:    (+33) (0)4 76 58 40 11                       5, chem de la Dhuy
Mobile: (+33) (0)6 82 66 62 70                             38240 MEYLAN
E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                      FRANCE
  "For many years, mankind lived just like the animals. And then 
   something happened that unleashed the powers of our imagination: 
   We learned to talk."
                -- Stephen Hawking, later used by Pink Floyd --
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