
>I would just like to let everyone know that it is possible to use MD
>players on the Airbus A320, 319 and Boeing 737 despite what previously
>may have been said on the list. I know coz I used mine and the the
>aircraft didn't fall from the sky!

<Flame type="no offence">
Stupid person, apart from commercial reasons if they tell you do
something on the plane it's for your own good

Okey, just 'cos your plane didn't fall out of the sky isn't really any
evidence... although I know the chances are tiny, I still have to
point this out. It could depend on your proximity to vital devices
(all be it most devices on a plane are critical). 

Also, you don't know what happened on the flight deck, the piolets may
have had to make several minor course corrections and you would never
have known it. I think this came up last time that navigation could be
curropted or misread 'cos of RF interference.

But on the otherhand, we all know that some companies use it to make
you use their equipment... On another hand (I'm no lawyer or sure)
isn't there a law saying that you should/must do what the cabin crew
say or you can be arrested when landing. So in effect your commiting a
criminal action. (Bahh! Since when I have I cared for *minor* laws ;).

Okey, that's all I have to say for now ;).

Peter -> NOOOOOOOBODY expects the Spannish Equaisition our three main
weapons are fear, suprise, rougthless efficency ...and... an almost
fanatical devotion to the Pope.... I'll get my coat ;) -- Monty
Phython mets The Fast Show ;)
Arien and WoodMUE, Project Manager and Lead Programmer.
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