> Shawn Lin wrote:
> I have been told the opposite by several alleged Nakamichi Dragon owners
> that said their cheap MDS-JE510 decks sounded better.
> Go figure.
> Shawn
> I really find it impossible that any cassette deck, no matter how expensive
> could sound as good as a decent MD recorder.

A hi-end cassette deck will record something in the range from 10Hz-22kHz. It
leave nothing out. Off-course you'll need to use high-end tapes. A normal Chrome
tape doesn't have the frequency response to handle the signal.

Thus it is possible to record a CD with the same fidelity as the original on
This isn't possible with MD since MD compresses. Note that we're talking about
a high-dollar setup. You'll need a high-end CD player to.
Note also the differences between the analog and the digital domain and the
related to going from one to another.

> What do the people who claim that there tape decks "sound better" really
> mean??  There is a big difference between the faithful reproduction of audio
> and they way something sounds.  Many people still prefer the sound of vinyl
> to CD.  From a technical stand point, vinyl can never come close to the
> fidelity of a CD.

Vinyl has the same advantage as tape. It is analog.
> But how something sounds is a subjective matter.  For example, think of all
> of the different brands of the same food.  Most people prefer one over the
> others.  That doesn't mean it tastes better.  It is an individual subjective
> human observation.

However, and that's where digital media's shine, all analog media loose there
information when they age. In a digital world, that doesn't happen.
Another problem with analog media is the necessity to keep the tape/lp spinning
with a constant speed. This is very difficult to achieve.

A PLL clock that drives a DAC/ADC, is however very easy to build and therefore
it opens the possibility to produce low-end CD/MD players that sound almost as
good as a high-end CD/MD player.

In the analog world however, you have to spend 'big-money' in order to achieve
high quality.

Ralph -> Long live MD!

Ralph Smeets        Functional Verification Centre Of Competence -  CMG
Voice:  (+33) (0)4 76 58 44 46                       STMicroelectronics
Fax:    (+33) (0)4 76 58 40 11                       5, chem de la Dhuy
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E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                      FRANCE
  "For many years, mankind lived just like the animals. And then 
   something happened that unleashed the powers of our imagination: 
   We learned to talk."
                -- Stephen Hawking, later used by Pink Floyd --
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