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the miniplug is what is doing it, computer sound cards are breeding grounds
for cool extra noises like that.  sorry to tell you but about the only way
to get rid of it is to get an expensive sound card or possible a digital
output might help out.  I hope this helps.  One other solution which i've
only ever seen work once, but might work, is make sure that your minijack
and sound card are grounded.  like i said i've only seen that one work once,
but heck you might be the second.  I hope this helps

----- Original Message -----
From: Jimmy and Johnny need to stop eating worlds and sweeping legs
Sent: Friday, June 02, 2000 1:03 AM
Subject: MD: noiseNoiseNOISE

> So, I have a MD 4 track that I'm using
> to record a signal from my computer.
> When I attach a cable to the computer,
> it's noisy as all get out. Kinda like if you
> touch a guitar cable that plugged into an
> amp and the other side isn't attached to
> anything.
> I'm using a stereo miniplug in the line out.
> The other end is a 1/4" stereo going into
> the mixer section on the 4trk.
> I'm thinking it's cause I'm using a stereo
> plug into a mono input and something
> isn't grounded right- but I just don't know.
> i'mveryfrustrated.
> MCSqUiShYToOsHy.
> --
> *  http://www.erols.com/emoposer
> *  AIM- emoposer, MCSqUiShYToOsHy
> *
> *   "bang bang"
> *             -Snoop Doggy Dogg
> *
> --
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  • MD: Oy, vey Michael Burger
    • MD: noi... Jimmy and Johnny need to stop eating worlds and sweeping legs
      • Re:... Matthew Wall
      • Re:... Sean Buckingham
        • ... Jimmy and Johnny need to stop eating worlds and sweeping legs
          • ... Sean Buckingham
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