> I'm thinking it's cause I'm using a stereo
> plug into a mono input and something
> isn't grounded right- but I just don't know.

If the input on the card is mono, have you tried sending it a mono signal 
from a mono source, using a mono jack? (errrr..sorry)

I'd try that before anything else.

Ohh. One general thing.. Can People PLEEEEASE say what models of whatever 
product they are using when they report a problem.. it's pretty hard to 
make wild stabs in the dark about whats wrong (although the fact that I'm 
still trying makes me pretty arrogant, hmm?!) 


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Sean Buckingham
Media Services
Brunel University, UK
* (Ext)    2209
* (Direct) 0208 891 8264
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      • Re:... Matthew Wall
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        • ... Jimmy and Johnny need to stop eating worlds and sweeping legs
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