I think that I have a solution to the MP3 controversy.  The reason that people
are not paying for the songs is because THERE IS NO WAY TO PAY!!

What is the matter with the record companies??  Half of the music that is on
Napster can't even be found anywhere!!  It's not like you can go to Tower records
and buy the CD.  They don't have the songs.  If they do, you'd have to buy a
hundred CDs to get the hundred songs you want.

Why don't the record companies start their own servers??  Or license someone to
do it.  They could either have a fixed price for each song.  Or it could depend
upon whether it was a new song or something old.  For an old song, a nickel seems
fair.  For a new song, I don't know, 25 cents or so??

If you have no way of paying for something then how can it be stealing???  It's
not stealing if there is no way to pay for it!!

The record industry has to realize that the whole world is changing.  Hell, all
someone has to do is make arrangements with someone in some country that does not
honor US or international copyrights and charge 5 cents a download.  I don't see
how you can stop someone from doing something like this when they are not bound
by US law.

The internet is international and as far as I understand, no one owns the
internet.  That was the same mistake that IBM made when they didn't buy DOS from
Bill Gates.  They couldn't stop people from making clones because the only thing
in their PC that had a copyright or patent was the operating system and they
didn't own it.

If the person who started the internet had licensed the Web, he would be richer
then Gates today.  But I'm glad that he didn't.  The internet is the last true
democracy.  All we need if the government sticking it's 2 cents into it and
blanking the whole thing up.

The internet is the just about the only thing that belongs to the people.

People put Gates down all of the time.  And I suppose that a lot of what he does
is not very nice.  But business is business.  Stop paying the mortgage on your
house and see how long you live there (or the taxes for that matter).  No banks
aren't nice either.  They put people out into the streets and don't think twice
about doing so.

That's capitalism isn't it??  You build a better mouse trap and, well you know
the rest.


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