You raise some good points Shawn.
Here's another angle on why I also don't see that I am 'stealing' by using
I don't download any of the recent/popular stuff as IMHO most of it is not
worth listening to and I certainly wouldn't be buying it.
My main use of Napster is to source old long lost 45's and other vinyl
that in some cases has never been released on CD and probably never
Some of it is available on compilation CD's but again I wouldn't buy the
CD just for one or two tracks that I like. Also the record companies
constantly re-release this sort of stuff and don't often vary the mix or
content, just change the cover and hope that the suckers will buy....
So many tracks never get released whilst many of them are re-released to
death... depending on the whim of the record execs and on their opinion on
if it will make a buck or not.
IMHO, the record companies do not cater to the customer or their clients,
just to themselves.
Napster has changed all that - here is a source of thousands of long lost
tracks that the record companies are not even interested in releasing.

Just a minor point of disagreement - if I had to pay (someone, preferably
the artist) a *small fee* to copy the master tape recording (rather than a
poor quality free version)  I would be happy to do so....

If only the music distributors would get behind this new distribution
technology, they could offer a service at a reasonable fee that might keep
everybody happy - IMHO it would be worth paying for access to the complete
catalogue of EMI or the BBC record library.


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