Okay I've done the recordings on my MZ-R3 and and checked the results-

> Recordings:
> 1: Stereo digital recording (control sample)

as you would expect, a very nice recording of the original with stereo

> 2: Mono digital recording (presumably left channel only)

as the manual says, only the left channel was recorded, but plays back
at the full level of the left source on both channels

> 3: Stereo analogue recording via amplifier headphone socket (analogue
> control sample)
> 4: Stereo analogue recording via amplifier in mono mode (presumably a
> standard analogue mix in the amplifier)
> 5: Mono analogue recording via amplifier in stereo mode (the one which
> if the R3 shifts the channels should sound a little different to 4)
> 6: Mono analogue recording via amplifier in mono mode (this should
> also sound different to 4 if the R3 shifts things)
> Note 5 and 6 will be recorded with both analogue channels connected
> from the amp to the MD!

In what was admittedly a v.quick test under less than ideal conditions,
obviously an analogue stereo to stereo remained so, while all the other
analogue recordings were a mix of the left and right channels.  There
was no measurable difference in the recording level whether I used the
amp or the MD to do the mono conversion, from the overall level of the
stereo analogue recording.  Whether the MD doing the mono bit supressed
higher frequencies I cannot tell, at least not while my PC is sitting
turned on here with me!

Oh well I guess it's kept me busy for an hour or two if nought else.
And I'm glad I did it too, as my R3 was in playback-pause mode when I
went to do the test and it must be at least 2-3 weeks since I last used
it.  Apart from being slightly warm to the touch, it and the disk are
both fine :-)


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