Simon said:
"More to the point - do you need the extra play-time, and are you willing to
sacrifice compatibility with everything else to do it? (and pay more for
it?) If not, don't bother."

There is no question that the extra play time would be ao value to many people.
People who drive a lot and spend a lot of time in their cars.  Background music.
Convenience of having a large collection of music readily available without
having to search through dozens of MDs to find the one you want.

But to me sound quality is the most important thing.  If the sound quality is not
going to be as good as an MD in the present mode copied from a CD, that is not
going to be acceptable to me.

Now we keep getting on the debate as to whether  there is a noticeable difference
between the original CD and the first generation MD copy.  Personally with the
equipment that I have, I really don't seem to hear any.

But if I am playing music in the house, why would I want to play the MD if the CD
was available??  The MD is not a replacement for the CD.  It is a convenience
(for the car and portability.

Now before cd writers were available for a reasonable price, You could use the MD
to compile a bunch of songs and eliminate the 90% of the CD that you ended up
disappointed with.

But since you can buy CDRs for fifty cents and CD "burners" for under $200.00.
What would be the purpose of an MD in the house being played through your stereo

You can now compile the songs you really like on a CD for use in the house and
even make a copy of the "master" CD and put the original away for safe keeping.

No matter what you say, I do not hear any difference between the original CD and
its clone.

As a matter of fact, often you may have a CD that gives you trouble tracking on
some players.  If you have a CD ROM drive that will track it without any
problems, the copy you "burn" will be playable on all of your units (assuming
that the players themselves are working correctly.


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