Stainless Steel Rat wrote:

> The DVD Consortium, an association of many electronics manufacturers and
> others.  There is no one company backing DVD.

OK, but who "created them".  For example Sony and the MD.  Or was this a
collaboration of a bunch of companies borrowing from existing technologies.

>  Don't forget Sony and Phillips
> | managed to get together bring out the CD (then they split and came out
> | with the MD and DCC).
> Neither of which have anywhere nearly as strong a consumer adoption as
> CD-DA and DVD-Video.

I have mentioned that regarding the DVD on the list before.  The CD is obvious
now.  But don't forget that the CD has been around much longer then the MD and
did not catch on for several years.  Why the MD has never really made is is still
mystery to me.

To me the DCC failure is obvious.  It sucks.  The only thing about it that has
any socially redeeming value is that it was compatible with the compact cassette
(if anyone on this list is still a big collector of compact cassettes-I'm not
talking about pre MD-I seriously question why you are on the MD list <G>).  The
comparison between the advantages of CD and MD vs the DCC are huge.

I have stated here in the past that, "In the relatively short time DVDs have been
out, they have probably already sold more DVD players than either  MD recorders
or players combined.

> Who owns what patents has nothing to do with it, unless someone devises a
> proprietary format, which is antithetical to DVD.

Whoa!! big word there!!  I'm not sure that is the correct word to use there, but
lets not start a debate about it-it's no big deal.  All I am saying is that if
there is something in a "new format" that infringes upon any of the
specifications protected by patent on the DVD, that would be a problem.



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