After seeing the $185.00 price for the Sony MDX-D3, I went to read some

The reviews were fine.  Some poor schmuck paid $400.00 for a unit whose
list price is supposed to be $299, but what can I tell you.

It was the second review where something struck me.  The reviewer stated
"The sound quality of the MD is impressive. It may not quite be CD
quality (it's inherent to the compression scheme used for MD and not
limited to the MXD-D3), but it is quite excellent."

Come on!!!!!  He didn't really hear a difference, his mind told him they
were "not quite CD quality" because he mind told his ears that these
were "compressed" and therefore could not sound as good as the original

He didn't do any A/B testing.  He just "knew".  I'm beginning to think
that Sony did not do itself a favor by explaining how it was able to fit
all that stuff from a CD on to the tiny little MD.  If we were left in
the dark or given an explanation that would not automatically cause any
hi fi buff to assume that the MD could not sound as good as a CD, would
this whole "is it as good" thing ever have come up in the first place??

OK, until about version 3.5 or 4 of ATRAC, each generation might have
had some need for improvement.  But by version 4, they had come pretty
close to perfect.  Even the CD isn't perfect.  The dynamic range of a CD
is still not as great as some of the music recorded on it.

This is probably best found in classical music.  I'll bet that a live
version of the 1812 Overture, if they had canons firing would have a
dynamic range that exceeds 100 dB.

One last thing, will some other old fart in this list tell this old fart
why they changed the nomenclature for frequencies??  It used to be 20 to
20K cps (cycles per second).  That made sense.

What the hell is a Hertz??  A rent a car  It's like someone deiced that
HZ looked great even though it has absolutely no meaning and started
tacking it to the end of numbers.

"How fast is your computer?"  Why it's 500 hz.  The only hertz I know of
are people that come into my office with abcessed teeth.  That hertz!


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