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David, their warehouse is in PA.  The bad thing is that I had to pay the tax.  The
good thing is that oft my order in two days.


"David W. Tamkin" wrote:

> Larry's beliefs are a nice ideal, but they aren't the reality.
> In the US, if a company has presence ("nexus" is the word the lawyers like to
> use) in any state, it is responsible for remitting sales tax on sales to
> customers in that state and permitted to collect the sales tax from the
> customer instead of paying itself.  Nexus is defined very loosely: if you
> have a salesperson headquarted in that state, if your own trucks make
> deliveries into that state (or go through that state on their way to others)
> even if you sent that particular item by common carrier, if you have storage
> in that state, if you advertise on billboards or in local newspapers in that
> state, essentially if that state can find any excuse, you have nexus there
> and must remit sales tax on sales in or into that state.  And if you don't,
> then the customer is responsible for paying use tax (though that's rarely
> enforced unless the item is used in a business).
> Apparently Mercata believes it has nexus in Pennsylvania but not in New Mexi-
> co, so they want sales tax from Larry but not from Aaron.  One music publisher
> charges me Illinois sales tax if I buy their products from one of their sub-
> sidiaries but not if I buy them from another.
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