On Sun, 28 Jan 2001 21:52:51 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>  It's only been a few months since I got a THX/DTS receiver after having
the same
>  Pro Logic receiver for about 15 years and now they come out with THX-EX
>  dts-SE!

That really should read DD-EX, as EX is a development of Dolby Digital
sound. THX is rather incidental, here, as it's perfectly possible to have
either (or both!) a decoder / amp that supports DD-EX and / or  DTS-ES, and
it wouldn't necessarily have to be THX certified. The THX bit isn't part of
the sound spec - Dolby produce that.

Probably all domestic kit you would buy, with these formats, would quite
possibly / probably be THX certified, but that would be a certification
probably of the amp / decoder, rather than specifically it's ability with a
certain sound format. My only point being that there isn't truly a THX-EX
sound format - its DD-EX, the THX aspect is merely a rating of the standards
achieved by the kit implemented, rather than a specification of the sound

Not that this point hasn't been raised before, but using those terms
together, could potentially be misleading.


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