> ... Churchill, Guy writes:
> > [snip]
> >
> > The key criteria is the element that we are most concerned 
> with here.
> > 
> > MD vs CD
> > 
> > MD is better if "portability" is the key criteria
>  [snip]
> A post like that is bound to raise some controversy.
> First of all, "ease of editing" requires the proper editing 
> hardware. If you compare the ease of editing on a MD 
> Player/Recorder with the ease of editing on a computer 
> hooked up to a CD burner, I'd pick the computer any day.
> [snip]
> Second, "long play modes". There are some CDs that can hold 
> up to 80 minutes of music. MDs can go beyond 80 minutes, 
> [snip]

The thing that ANNOYS me about the type of post above is that I had
CLEARLY stated that the original comments were subject to my
own opinions, based on my own experiences, and my key criteria.


"Again "better" can be a personal opinion "I like the look of small MD's
over CD's"  OR   it can be a measurable attribute "CD audio is higher
quality of MD"   ...  all of the previous example fall into either (or
sometimes both) categories.

So before we continue to flame each other, consider the key criteria
"you" consider better and express this first.  Then the "nit pickers"
won't have anything to argue about."


To take the subjective opinion in isolation and fail to quote (or
take into consideration) the rest of the e-mail is asking for disaster
(or at least a flame war  :).

So Anthony L. I know you may have been having a bit of a laugh (especially
about the bootleg bit), but now someone reading the second e-mail
without taking into the consideration the context of the first, will think
someone said MD is better than CD.

Roll on unnecessary flame postings.

I do realise that the nature of message lists is that items take a while
to get to everyone and in that time someone else may have already
retracted their original post or at least changed their opinion.
The Internet is fast .. but not *that* fast.

My INTENT was to demonstrate that the term "better" should be qualified
before we get lead into long winded (like this E-mail) debates on opinions
without the original context taken into consideration.

So when someone says MD is better than CD, why they think that, based
on what criteria is established BEFORE people waste time refuting the 

<stops to take a breath>

So in conclusion, it is important for the harmony of the list that people
make themselves as clear as possible and don't leave un-qualified statements
floating around just waiting to be picked off.

Then again, this is only my opinion  <shrug>?  <grin>

L8R   GC

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