Calvin wrote:

> I use my Sony MD MZ-55 to record voices softly speaking (poems etc.). No
> background noises. I find the noise of the pre-amp to be a real problem.
> At first, I thought it was the mic, but I changed it for a much better
> one and I still have the same problem. I have tried plugging the mic
> into the line-in/optical input. It's less noisey, but the level is too
> low (even using an audio module from Sound Professionals). Any ideas
> would be most welcome?

I was frustrated in my attempts to try other miking methods of a piano (with
a single stereo mic). Whenever I brought the microphone too far away from
the piano, I had to boost the level up which had the effect of introducing
what I thought was the MD preamp noise. I even bought a decent mic preamp
and the problem still persisted.

Turns out the noise was was a quiet fan in the auditorium! That may seem
silly, but I'm in that auditorium 4-5 hours everyday so I was automatically
tuning out the normal room noises. I didn't realize the room wasn't actually
silent. Fortunately I was able to return the preamp.

Perhaps this could be the same for you. Try plugging your ears with your
fingers, get used to the quiet, then open your ears again and see if they
sound the same.

-- John

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