> I'm sure this has been asked, but... How do they add the extra 5 minutes to
> 80 minute MDs, and how do they extend the record/play time to 160??
> Is there any difference in quality for these two MDs?
> Thanks,  Jerry

The 80 minutes has to do with the way the discs are preformatted.  I'm not sure
if you are talking about lpMDs or mono when you ask about 160.

Almost every MD recorder available today can record in mono which will double
the recording time, but not give you stereo.

Then there are special LP recorders.  These achieve the extra time by
decreasing the bit rate from a "standard MD".  You can play a standard MD on an
LP recorder, but can not play an LP MD on a standard recorder/player.

If you have ever used Napster, you will notice that the size of the file is not
just related to how long the time of the song is, but the bit rate used.  In
theory at least, a greater bit rate is supposed to give you higher sound

In reality it depends on numerous factors.  But a song recorded at a bit rate
of 128 will use less memory than one recorded at 196 and up.


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