> it to their web site... My problem is that when I record it to my
> hard
> drive, there are skips in the sound that do NOT exist on the MD. They
> sound like digital hicups that happen momentarily when you listen to
> a
> CD through your computer and you open a big program. They are very
> short
> (less than a second) but annoying and detract from a recording they
> could sell or give thier fans...
I've had a problem like that before. This might be because of your hard
drive -- it could be too slow for audio. Mine is. I only have 5400 RPM
drive instead of at least 7200. The way I fixed it is to enable
buffering in the software that you use to record audio. I use
CoolEdit2000 and there is an option that allows you to set buffers and
their size. Also, don't forget to exit all the other apps that you have
running. I mean everything that you can exit from you should exit. If
you are on Windows (which I assume you are), look at the tray and see
if you could exit the programs that are running in it. Don't forget to
diable screensavers and powersave mode for monitor (might produce pops
on if the wiring is not perfect). Avoid using your computer for
anything while it records. Good Luck!

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