> I've had a problem like that before. This might be because of your hard
> drive -- it could be too slow for audio. Mine is. I only have 5400 RPM
> drive instead of at least 7200.

Other things to watch for.

Dependent on the PCI slot the soundcard is in.  Believe it or not
my experience is that soundcards seem to work better in one slot then
another ... it's s techo thing about polling, IRQ'S and DMA'S.
(not within my knowledge base to explain it though)

Watch for that Internet connection .. you will be amazed how many
of your ports are being scanned and other unwanted traffic.

Defrag and optimise your HDD.  writing to contiguous free space is alot
easier for the HDD to keep up.  (use something like Nortons speedisk)

Watch for the virus protection programs ... 

A 5400RPM HDD is plenty fast enough, I used to do ripping on a P166, 32MB,
10Gb HDD with no issues.  Maybe it's badly fragmented.

Cheers   GC
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