Richard Rudie wrote:

> I have a MZ-R700DPC, and the only thing I'd really like to have from the
> 900 is the automatic trackmark ability. At a family gathering, I set up
> the MD recorder with a microphone to record the evening for posterity,
> like my uncle used to do with a reel-to-reel recorder, and ended up with
> one three-and-a-half-hour track (in LP4, of course). Naturally this
> makes it difficult to find anything in particular ("What was that joke
> Dan told, about the nun and the coffeemaker?"); with the 900 I could've
> had trackmarks automatically inserted every some minutes while
> recording.
> And someone mentioned the battery bulge on the 500 and 700... I like the
> bulge, as it lets me set the 700 on my desk, while using the PCLink for
> example, and still have the screen at a readable angle.

Automatic tracks that are just placed arbitrarily every few minutes really
doesn't tell you anything.  So take a half hour or so to divide the one
track into realistic tracks.

Track 1 the start.

Track 2 Aunt Bea starts telling about her recent operation.
Track 3 after growing tired of Aunt Bea's never ending story, uncle Joe cuts
her off and starts telling a joke.
Track 4  while everyone has been listening to uncle Joe's story, your little
cousin has been ignored as he begged  to be taken to the bathroom, and now
there is a big commotion because he just peed in his pants.
Track 5 Grandma starts telling you about her bowel movements.
Track 6 Grandma switches from her bowel movements to telling everyone about
Grandpa's constantly getting up in the middle of the night trying to pee.
Track 7 Grandpa starts fighting with Grandma and starts complaining about
what a big mouth she has.
Track 8 your parents, aunts and uncles try to calm grandpa down.
Track 9  after eating supper Fat uncle Fred who has this gas problem has
never learned that it is not polite to break wind in public (well it is
family, so maybe he thinks that's an acceptable place to not have to try and
control your self).  And you are their with your 700 and mike to catch the
you uncle's symphony in digital sound.
Track 10............. well you get the idea.

Now 20 or 30 years from now (it depends upon your present age) you play this
for you wife and kids.  They are rolling on the floor.  Especially if they
know/knew any of the people on the "tape".

Maybe you'll have to transfer the family gatherings to some more advanced
form of recording and I may have used crazy examples, but you really will
appreciate this stuff.  Video is even better though.  For me it used to be
8mm movies.  Every time we took out the projector we had bitter sweet

It seems that each time you look at them someone else is now gone.  My
father in law past away last December.  Last night my wife brought home a
box of his movies (some going back to the 1940's).  I'm dying to get hold of
a projector and watch them.  Then we'll transfer them to digital video.

The funniest experience I have ever had with home movies happened as an
accident.  For a joke I spliced a few minutes of a "stag" movie (compliments
of my late father in law) on the end of one reel.  I completely forgot about
doing it.  Years later my wife decides to bring out the projector at a
Thanksgiving Family gathering.

I've got little nephews there.  One of them asks "is that Aunt Barbara and
Uncle Larry??

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