From: "David W. Tamkin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> It's nice to put loads of music and lots of tracks onto a single MD.  But
> when it's a compilation and each track needs to be noted with song title
> artist (in contrast to copying an album or several by one artist, where
> performer need be named once in the disc title and not on every track),
> there isn't enough titling space!  The 255 seven-character cells just
> cover it.
> Tonight I was titling a disc of fifty-five LP tracks (some LP2, some LP4)
> and made it to about the fortieth track before running out of title space,
> and that was without having yet titled the disc itself.  I had to go back

I suppose this is another problem of the MD standard not being
designed with future enhancements in mind.  The <2K UTOC probably
seemed quite adequate for most peoples uses, enough for 20 tracks
of about 80 characters.

Given they have over 160megs to play with it would be easy to say
the UTOC should have been 4K or 8K, maybe 64K even, but the only
real solution would be a new MD formatting standard without the
limitations of the existing one.

I've really enjoyed the discussions about ATRAC vs MP3, and MD vs
other media, but I can't help feeling something is fundamentally
wrong when the "new" LP2/LP4 ATRAC has to be encoded onto MD such
that nearly 10% of the available capacity is thrown away just to
ensure the track's title is semi-readable in an older unit.

I know too many formats are a bad thing, but as pre-recorded MD
are almost always going to be SP, it should be reasonable to
assume that anyone with an LP formatted MD would know that it is
such and not stick it in any old MD unit, just like we do not
normally play CD-ROMs or other non-audio CDs in a standard CD

PrinceGaz. -- "An it harm none, do what thou wilt"

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