I know this is way off the subject, but I received my GCSE results today,
and I am so proud of them I believe I should share with you my proudness, so
you can know a truly gifted person...hehehehe

Well, I got 3 A's, 7 B's and 2 C's, which in my books is incredible, as I
was only expecting 8 A-C's and instead got 12.

Sorry to anyone who wanted something interesting about minidiscs read, but
at least you now have a clame to fame :P

Stuart Howlette
"There are many questions in life, but is the right answer only correct
because the majority believe in it?"
This is from a chat i had with someone a while ago (and this was him being
"NoNaMeR 2KuK: say we dont need computers
NoNaMeR 2KuK: we could use cheese instead "
For more from this chat, visit

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