Alexandre Enkerli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Anyway, as said in an earlier message, it'll be used for field
>recordings. But one thing I'd like to do is to burn backup copies on
>CD-Rs. The only computer I'll have then will be an old PowerBook 5300
>the audio i/o of which is pretty bad.
>I don't necessarily want extreme sound quality for these backups but
>I was wondering if people here had ideas for neat ways to get decent
>results. My budget is really tight so the MD-to-PB solution shouldn't
>cost too much. The MD is a Sony MZ-R37 and the Powerbook has two PC
>Card slots, a specific expansion bay, and the standard Mac ports
>(Localtalk serial, SCSI).

Your best bet is to hook a mini-to-mini cable from your R37 to the audio-in
jack on the 5300, and use the program "Coaster" to do the recording (you can
find Coaster on <>). Experiment with the
levels in Coaster until you get it right, then record the audio to disc. You
can have Coaster save your audio as "AIFF" files (the Mac counterpart to
"wav" files on Windows, for burning to CD). Then just burn them to a CD.

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