/In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful


=== News Update ===

*USA War Criminal :

Silence of Mainstream media : One million post-invasion Iraqi excess 
deaths ignored*

MWC NEWS readers may have encountered a recent article of mine in which 
the post-invasion excess deaths (avoidable deaths, deaths that did not 
have to happen) in Occupied Iraq were estimated at 1 million (ONE 
MILLION). This estimate was based on the very latest medical literature 
and UN Population Division data sources that were carefully documented 
in the 2 February 2007 article


*Number Of Iraqi Civilians Slaughtered In America's War On Iraq - At 
Least 655,000 + +*

Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) 
In America'sWar On Iraq 3,169


The War in Iraq Costs $405,070,880,466 - See the cost in your community


*America on its Knees Before Tyranny*
Today's America is no democracy -- it's a degenerating tyranny, 
disfigured by its military-industrial-governmental cancer. Our people 
are increasingly ashamed and terrified of their government, and rightly 
so, because we have no control over it, and it's become a deceitful 
monstrous danger to us and to the health of the planet.



*Support the UN Resolution 242 & 338 Consensus to End the Israelis 

242 ( conclusion of the first stipulation)
The most important issue addressed by UN Resolution 242 is the 
"inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war." The first 
stipulation mandates, "Withdrawal of Israeli armed forces from 
territories occupied in the recent conflict." Since that time however, 
Israel has continued to occupy territory seized during the conflict and 
is even constructing a wall around some of these areas.

338( excerpts of original)
The three-line United Nations Security Council Resolution 338 
(S/RES/338), approved on October 22, 1973, called for a cease fire in 
the Yom Kipur War in accordance with a joint proposal by the United 
States and the Soviet Union. The resolution stipulated a cease fire to 
take effect within 12 hours, no later than 6:52PM of that day.


*Terror expert: Insurgents have won 'hearts and minds' of Iraqis*

An expert on the Iraqi insurgency says that Sunni forces fighting the 
American military have already won the "hearts and minds" of the Iraqi 


*Macho Males - The Brutal Rape and Murder of a 14-year old Girl and her 

As the Texas decider swaggered across the White House lawn, five of his 
Best-of-Baghdad troops were brutally raping and murdering a 14-year old 
girl and her family and then leaving them in a blaze of kerosene. Is 
this why the American commander-in-chief needed a troop surge --- to 
free up more of our glorious invaders to satisfy sexual perversities 
with the youngest teenagers of Baghdad?


*Department of Veteran Affairs: 205,000 US soldiers ...

... are being treated for wounds and injuries sustained in Iraq.

Hmmm ... where is the US media? Still rummaging in Ann Nicole Smith's 
America go watch some of the special reports which embarrass your 

Watch the ABC report which shows that 10% of US soldiers sustain head 
injuries - 150,000 possibly, says ABC.




*Iraq : How Easy it is to Put Hatred on a Map*
Our guilt in this sectarian game is obvious. We want to divide our 
potential enemies.



*Blame the Victims, Blame the Iraqis*

AS THE people who talked the United States into the Iraq war try to talk 
their way out of the blame for the mess they made, one dominant theme 
has emerged: blame the Iraqis. Our intentions were good; we did our best 
to help; but the Iraqis are vicious, incompetent ingrates who would 
prefer to kill one another than seize the freedom we brought them. It's 
not our fault that it turned out so badly.

It has turned out rather badly, hasn't it? President George W. Bush will 
go no further than to say that he is "disappointed by the pace of 
success," and his British sidekick, Prime Minister Tony Blair, still 
insists that "We will beat them [the Iraqi resistance] when we realise 
that it's not our fault that they're doing this." But practically 
everybody else in the US and Britain knows that the invasion of Iraq was 
a huge disaster.


*Too Much Blood : On being the subjects of a military economy *
A country that feeds itself through the manufacture of war technology is 
bound to view peace, nonviolence and mercy as seditious concepts. It 
will create policies first and then people to fit its machines, finding 
wars to fight and creating killers to fight them.



*It Seems to Me...Iraq

...War is supposed to be hell and we are going to make sure that this 
reputation is not tarnished by our troops. Our troops are taught that 
dying for one's country is not an objective; making the enemy die for 
his is...

It seems to me that America is being given a ringside seat at what can 
be termed a calamity for civilization through our "association" with 
Iraq and the Iraq War. We are being allowed to witness the inhumanity 
that lurks within each of us individually and all of us collectively. We 
have been allowed to see how little "coaching" it takes to turn a 
"people" from a definable human society into something so subhuman that 
no animal species could be accused of allowing this to exist in their 
"culture". For those Americans with an "eye to see or an ear to hear", 
Iraq today represents everything any human could imagine as being 
something he "wouldn't wish on his worst enemy".


*Iraq : See Hillary Run *
Run, Hillary, run. But your race towards the White House will never 
outpace the hypocrisy and duplicity inherent in your decision to vote 
for war in Iraq.



*Iraq Puppet Gov't : Another rape*

Islammemo reported that six members of the so called Iraqi army raped a 
12 year old girl from Shamar tribe in Diwaniya province -- south Iraq.

Shamar tribe members and the girl's family are preparing themselves to 
attack the Iraqi Army headquarter in the province.


Update on actions to stop the execution of three Iraqi women

On 14 February we launched an appeal to halt the summary execution of 
three Iraqi women. Hundreds signed our statement, including numerous 
organizations, and demonstrations have taken place in Istanbul, Ankara, 
Rabat, Berlin and Stockholm, among other cities.

Wassan Talib (31), Zainab Fadhil (25) and Liqa Omar Muhammad (26) were 
reportedly sentenced to death on charges that amount to supporting the 
legitimate and legal popular resistance to occupation in Iraq.


*Outrage over Imminent Execution of Iraqi Women*
Three young women accused of joining the Iraqi insurgency movement and 
engaging in "terrorism" have been sentenced to death, provoking protest 
from rights organisations fearing that this could be the start of more 
executions of women in post-Saddam Hussein's Iraq.



*Operation Enduring Idiocy: The Deadly Child's Play of U.S. Politics*

Arthur Silber, as always, talks good and damning sense about the 
maddening moral idiocy of the entire American establishment and the 
whole "national debate" about the Iraq war. He limns with brutal 
accuracy the inability of our movers and shakers -- and most of the 
public they manipulate so thoroughly -- to comprehend the true nature of 
this bloodsoaked hell: that it is a monstrous crime, conceived in evil, 
steeped in murder, breeding death, brutality and corruption in 
everything it touches.


*Iraq : 6 Sunni men killed execution-style*
Gunmen stormed the home of a Sunni family threatened with death for 
meeting with local Shiites, separating out the women and children and 
executing six men on Saturday, Iraqi police and military officials said.



*Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Friday, 2 March 2007*

    * Hit faces crisis following imposition of new American restrictions.
    * Al-Fallujah, US, puppet forces arrest nine villagers, claiming
      they were funding the Iraqi Resistance.
    * Resistance bombards US military camp in al-Fallujah Friday morning.
    * Resistance sharpshooter reportedly kills US soldier at checkpoint
      in al-Fallujah Thursday.
    * Explosion targets stronghold of Jaysh al-Mahdi in Baghdad Friday
    * Four leading Sunni tribal Shaykhs summoned to puppet army camp in
      south Baghdad suburb, then murdered and dumped by the roadside.
    * Puppet general arrested by Americans for selling Sunni prisoners
      to sectarian militias.
    * Two US troops reported killed in Resistance bombing north of
      Baghdad Friday morning.
    * Puppet "Shock Troops" loot, burn market in Samarra' Thursday night.
    * After puppet "Shock Troops" abandon camp, mass grave of murdered
      Sunni youths found near al-Mahmudiyah.
    * British admit one soldier dead in past two days as mortar attacks
      strike three British bases around al-Basrah.
    * Resistance blasts joint US-Iraqi puppet forces headquarters in
      'Anah Friday morning.
    * Resistance sharpshooter kills puppet "Shock Troop" soldier in
      al-Mada'in Friday morning.
    * Ba'qubah, Resistance fighters assault puppet police checkpoint
      Thursday evening.



*Afghan Taliban says sending fighters to Iraq - TV*
"We have very strong relations with the mujahideen in Iraq. The 
mujahideen stay in Iraq for a month for example then they come here," he 
added in remarks dubbed in Arabic. "We also share intelligence."



*Pakistan: U.S. Can't Target Militants Here*
Pakistan vehemently denied Saturday the U.S. military's claim that 
coalition forces in Afghanistan have the authority to pursue Taliban 
fleeing across the border into Pakistani territory.



*Israel accused of rights abuses - Israel Uses Palestinians as Human 

An Israeli human rights group has accused the country's government of 
using Palestinians as human shields during its raids on Nablus. The 
Israeli supreme court banned the practice two years ago.


*Apartheid in Israel*

The latest report published by the UN rapporteur on human rights in the 
Palestinian territories compares Israel's policies there to those of 
South Africa during the apartheid era.

John Dugard, a South African law professor and former anti-apartheid 
campaigner, called upon the international community to give "serious 
consideration" to his recommendation that the International Court of 
Justice in The Hague issue an advisory opinion on Israel's policies and 



Israel and its apologists angrily reject the apartheid accusation, 
charge those who make it with being anti-Semites and call upon Israel's 
friends to refute the charge. Amongst those whom Israel has tried to 
censure or smear are former US president Jimmy Carter and Nobel Peace 
Prize laureate Desmond Tutu, former Anglican archbishop of Cape Town and 
head of South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Other 
figures making the charge include Arun Gandhi, grandson of the Mahatma 
Gandhi; Winnie Mandela, former wife of South African leader Nelson 
Mandela; Michael Ben Yair, who served as Israel's attorney general from 
1993-96; Ami Ayalon, a former admiral in Israel's navy and head of Shin 
Bet, the country's internal security agency; Tommy Lapid, head of 
Israel's Shinui Party; and Meron Benvenisti, former deputy mayor of 

Carter's national security adviser, Zbigniew Brzezinski, warned that if 
a solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict was not found, the two 
communities would be forced to dwell separately, with one living 
comfortably and the other in poverty. Brzezinski's prediction has come true.



Israel has been a major, albeit covert, player in Southeast Asia since 
Israeli multi-billionaire tycoon Shaul Eisenberg began supplying weapons 
to Cambodia's genocidal Khmer Rouge regime in the 1970s. Eisenberg, a 
close business partner of China's military, was also an early arms 
supplier to Khmer Rouge leader Pol Pot. Eisenberg was active with Asia's 
Jewish community during World War II, not as an compatriot of the Allies 
but as a close intelligence and business partner of Japan's Imperial 
government, which was allied with Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy in the 
Axis Alliance. Escaping Nazi-controlled Europe, Eisenberg settled in the 
Far East, making his primary bases of operation Japanese-occupied 
Shanghai and Japan itself.


*Algeria says won't host a U.S. base on its territory*
Algeria said on Saturday its cooperation with Washington's war on 
terrorism was "profitable" but it would never agree to host a U.S. 
military base on its territory.



*Dictatorship : Secret unit hunts terrorists overseas*
The Pentagon has turned a secret terrorist-hunting unit into a nearly 
self-contained command of more than 1,000 men and women who collect 
intelligence and track and capture America's most--wanted enemies.



*9/11 : CIA torture victim denied his day in US court*
A U.S. federal appeals court has upheld a refusal to hear the case of a 
Lebanese-born German man who was detained and tortured by the CIA for 
five months.



*9/11 : Kuwaiti court acquits 2 ex-Gitmo inmates*
A criminal court on Saturday acquitted two former Guantanamo Bay 
prisoners of joining al-Qaida or the Taliban.



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