Hmmmmmm ....... arogan?

Pemberian visa, visa macam apapun juga, kesuatu negara, bukankah karena it's a 
'right' (hak), melainkan itu adalah suatu 'privilege' (hak istimewa).

AS harus ber-hati2 didalam memberikan visanya, karena teroris ingin merusakkan 
AS.   Suatu negara itu bagaikan rumah.  Apakah anda akan membiarkan siapa saja 
untuk masuk rumah anda?  

Jika didalam ke-hati2-an memberikan visa, ada seseorang yang tidak diberikan 
visa padahal orang itu bukan teroris, kalau meminta visa turis, maksudnya murni 
hanya utk. jalan2 dan bukan untuk kemudian menghilang menjadi imigran 
gelap,maka sikap pem. AS adalah  ......... it's best to err on the side of 

manneke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                                  
 Saya pengen liat berapa persen dari 7000 orang ini yang akan dikasih visa ama 
Kedubes AS yang arogan itu. Pengalaman dengan AS biasanya sudah buruk duluan 
waktu orang apply visa.
 -----Original Message-----
 > Date: Wed May 16 00:52:48 PDT 2007
 > From: "Sunny" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 > Subject: [mediacare] 7,000 RI students win scholarship to U.S.
 > To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;
 > 7,000 RI students win scholarship to U.S. 
 > JAKARTA (Antara): As many as 7,000 Indonesian vocational school students who 
 > successfully passed English test will go to Unites States to learn more 
 > about cooperatives, an official said. 
 > "We have given international-standard vocational school students across the 
 > country a chance of taking part in English test and found that 7,000 of them 
 > passed the test," National Education Ministry's director for vocational 
 > education Joko Sutrisno said Wednesday. 
 > The scholarship was mainly allocated to vocational school students who 
 > studied information and technology as well as hotel service and came from 
 > provinces that were frequently visited by investors and foreign tourists 
 > like Jakarta, Denpasar, Medan, Makassar, Yogyakarta and Surabaya among other 
 > cities. 
 > "We promoted potentials of the 7,000 students to some concerned instances. 
 > The Cooperatives and Small Medium Enterprises Ministry has responded to the 
 > offer by providing them with the scholarship to the U.S.," Joko said.(*

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