The documentation for API:Login <> is
not elaborate enough and I find it confusing. I don't know whether I am the
only one. This is the statement in particular that I am finding difficult to

CentralAuth SUL Login
Now you have to parse the cookie by looking for the centralauth_ cookies and
adding additional entries for all other wikis that centralauth covers in
your setup.

The cookies I get when I log in (after I get a success message) is like
this. First, I do not understand why the domains for centralauth cookies is
not having the language code (in this case 'en'). I tried manually changing
it to but that did not help. Second, I am not sure whether
I create new cookies myself and give the names as enwiki_User, enwiki_Token
and enwiki_Session and then copy the domain and values.

", Name:enwiki_session,
", Name:enwikiUserID, Value:1668905"
", Name:enwikiUserName, Value:Sreejithk2000"
", Name:centralauth_User, Value:Sreejithk2000"
", Name:centralauth_Token,
", Name:centralauth_Session,

Can someone elaborate on the next steps on the API portal or reply back to
this email?

Quite surprisingly, I pointed my api to commons and all the Domains now
gives the complete domain ( and I can get an edit
token with these cookies.

Sreejith K.
Mediawiki-api mailing list

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