2011/4/14 Sreejith K. <sreejithk2...@gmail.com>:
> The documentation for API:Login is not elaborate enough and I find it
> confusing. I don't know whether I am the only one. This is the statement in
> particular that I am finding difficult to comprehend.
> CentralAuth SUL Login
> ...
> Now you have to parse the cookie by looking for the centralauth_ cookies and
> adding additional entries for all other wikis that centralauth covers in
> your setup.
> The cookies I get when I log in (after I get a success message) is like
> this. First, I do not understand why the domains for centralauth cookies is
> not having the language code (in this case 'en').
That's intentional, so you can have one cookie for all *.wikipedia.org

> I tried manually changing
> it to en.wikipedia.org but that did not help.

> Second, I am not sure whether
> I create new cookies myself and give the names as enwiki_User, enwiki_Token
> and enwiki_Session and then copy the domain and values.
No, you just need to save these cookies and pass them back in
subsequent requests just like the other cookies. I agree that the
manual text suggests something else.

Roan Kattouw (Catrope)

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