On Wed, 24 Nov 2010, Tech Geek wrote:

> Can't you restore the mediawiki database to the date just before the
> vandalization happened? I guess this assumes that any legitimate edits that
> were made during the period when the vandalization took place will get lost
> too.

Based on my own brief experience with MediaWiki, in which I had
thought I had secured the wiki against non-user edits (entirely my
mistake), I'd say that this is a needed feature.

Because, yes, there are bots out there that like nothing better than
to deface wikis.  Perhaps it is a misguided attempt to boost search
engine rankings.  Or maybe they're just sent on their way by
sociopathic kids who maybe have a little bit of talent but no
constructive way to express it and no hope of achieving it.  I don't
know.  And frankly, for our purposes here, I don't care because
whatever the real underlying problem here is, we aren't solving it

MediaWiki's attitude towards any attempt to secure a wiki is that
this is contrary to the philosophy of a wiki, that if you want
security, you're probably using the wrong software.  This reposes a
lot of trust in denizens of what for years we've been calling the
"big bad Internet," what for years we've been constructing packet
filters to protect ourselves from, what for years we've been trying
to filter spam from, what for years we've been trying not to be
fooled into phishing attacks on, etc.

I'm not a sociologist, but I'm guessing that even if the twerps who
deface wikis weren't born that way, even if broader society didn't
make them that way, the Internet has.  In short, MediaWiki's
philosophy towards security is, in the world as we now find it or
have made it, naive.

And we need a way to repair the damage.  Because without that, I
can't even conceive of opening up my site (either the Drupal CMS or
the wiki) to anonymous edits or to uninvited user registrations.
Much as I'd like to.

David Benfell <benf...@parts-unknown.org>

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