Increasing site traffic has escalated both our cpu and memory issues
such that I am constantly tweeking 'bad-bot' and other defences
against multiple concurrent connections, from single IP's, IP ranges and
in total, using both mod_security and fail2ban/firewalld rules.

The problem has prompted 2 x server upgrades in the past 6 months. I now
want to see if I can make better use of available resources, before
having another server u/g forced on us.

Among other things I am considering moving to the Apache event-MPM using
php-fpm and mod_proxy_fcgi because it is claimed to half (or better)
process memory usage and provide major cpu-related speed improvements
over the old pre-fork-MSM - I understand that thread-safe issues have
been addressed such that the setup is now close to the old pre-fork
safety. I would welcome confirmation (or otherwise) of that from anyone.

Any pointers/comments etc from anyone with experience of this setup
would be appreciated. Also any pointers on optimising SMW query caching
since the site makes very heavy use of property-based queries and I have
a gut feeling that judicious SMW caching might help to speed things further.

I know much of this may seem a more appropriate to an Apache list but I
think the php issue combined with both MW and SMW make it relevant here.


PS. FI: posted to both MW and SMW lists

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