On 14/02/11, Till Harbaum / Lists wrote:
> > If such and idea was in anyway feasible, a question would be could
> > this product actually be called and labelled "MeeGo"?
> The question is: Why would you want that?

Actually the question was, if this were to happen, what is the
legalities of using "MeeGo" as a real world brand name?

As for why, I would assume that MeeGo is the most advanced Qt
and Qt Quick based UX for a mobile phone at this point in time.

> So far the assumption was that MeeGo would be the serious big brother
> of a community branch. Now MeeGo is the operating system that its
> founders abandoned after one year of development.

And I fear if nothing is done to capitalize on that years
worth of investment in intense handheld development then we
could be waiting... forever. What if Nokia renegs on that one
single MeeGo device (will it even be a phone?) sometime in the
next 6 months?

Until we start to get any kind of real world hardware to run
the handheld UX on it's a kind of... you know, an experiment.

> I'd still vote for "Mer" as the community project with as few visible
> relationship to MeeGo as possible.

Why, for technical reasons or marketting/brand reasons?

I'm under the impression Mer is now totally inactive.

> > It would only take $100k to kick this off as opposed to an unknown
> > amount of money, and mainly time, to build hardware from scratch.
> If you plan something like that you should talk to the pandora guys.
> They've even built a very similar system in such quantities as a
> community project.

Good point about Pandora, thanks.

Still, my main point is that "there might be" hardware out there
right now that will boot the Handheld UX today and mostly work,
if so, then getting 1000 of those devices into the hands of devs
asap would be a very positive move, in light of Nokia stepping away.

Until MeeGo (or anything) is in the field on real hardware it's
just a "project" that could stagnate.

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