>> Let me insist on "Downloads", then.  :)
> well, sure.
> But it feels to me that that would be like calling the Community Working Group
> "Forums".
> And we both know that there's a lot more to it than that :)
> Obviously we (well, the CWG probably) will need to find some branding for the
> services the MeeGo community offers; and Downloads will be one of those
> services. I doubt we (the "Downloads Group" ... nope, don't like it) will have
> a
> huge amount to do with that other than reflecting it in the process docs.
> What about the build sytem where developers upload their source? Is that
> Downloads too?

I think coming up with the overall name will inform how we name the various
processes and components that make up this. An example would be if the
overall name to end users was called "Extras", then for the developer
uploading their source it might be called "Extras Source Repositories". Or
you get the idea. 

> Is MeeGo Downloads where you go to download core MeeGo or is it for MeeGo
> applications? or is it the community wrapper that some MeeGo applications rely
> on? Or is it all of them?
> When Nokia decide to offer Downloads on their MeeGo devices and users find the
> MeeGo Downloads section on the wiki talking about QA policy for the developer
> upload process - is that likely to be what they want?

David, I think you're getting at the heart of the issue here, which is the
end user perspective. Community contributed applications will probably
always be separate from core apps and even apps downloaded from a vender
specific app store like AppUp or OVI. It would be nice if these were all
integrated into one installer/manager, but I doubt this will ever happen.
Thus the need to clearly distinguish between them.
> Oh, and this as yet un-named "like a working group but called not a working
> group" is highly unlikely to have anything to do with the actual "people
> downloading apps, music, videos, etc..." instead it's all the surrounding
> stuff
> that frankly, we don't want end-users stumbling into by mistake. Hence
> "Surrounds".

I think "Surrounds" works better then "Downloads" because of the above. But
there are other possibilities as well. "Extras" and "Addons" speak to the
nature of what these are for a device, at least for me. Any other names
floating out there?


> Just sayin' :)
> David
> --
> "Don't worry, you'll be fine; I saw it work in a cartoon once..."
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