On Apr 29, 2010, at 5:16 PM, Dave Neary wrote:

>>>> Because we may still need some distinction between app store 
>>>> downloads, I'm still inclined to name these "Add ons" or
>>>> "Extras".
>> Maybe think of the name from the end-user perspective? Those people
>> will see different stores and then this community place. How to make it
>> obvious to a user that this place caters community built open
>> applications. I.e. it is not a store, but you can get useful things from
>> there. "Community apps" ?
> Why do we need a distinction? Can't we just have an app store where lots
> of applications are free? If the goal is to communicate the
> communitiness/freedom of the applications, perhaps there's another way
> to do that, but having a separate distribution channel just seems to me
> to make it less likely that people will go there.

Look at it from the position of the vendor (because MeeGo is being designed for 
their needs). If a vendor's email client sucks, they don't want a community 
version to take its place because then they lose all their super-duper 
analytics of what their users are doing and saying. How can they prevent that 
free, better community app from being used? Ban it to the loser community repo 
from the beginning and slap a big warning on it saying it causes cancer. 
Problem averted.

In an open marketplace people use applications that best suit their needs. Many 
large companies find this type of meritocratic system hard to compete in 
because they are used to either marketing their way to success or owning the 
channel. (Hello Apple!) MeeGo aims to be open enough that vendors feel they are 
on equal footing with other vendors, but they certainly don't want to compete 
with rogue developers who have years of experience in their domain and whose 
only motivation is to write great software. 

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