Hi Dave,

On Mon, 2010-05-24 at 16:22 +0200, Dave Neary wrote:
> I would encourage anyone interested in Hildon or GTK+ on mobile
> development to sign up to mobile-devel-list - as Quim has (obtusely)
> pointed out, there are not that many platform developers on there, which
> makes deciding things like how to spend money more difficult (for
> information, the GNOME board has been discussing this for a couple of
> weeks, based on that discussion, and will be making a proposal soon).
> Also, as I think Quim knows, there are no GTK+ developers on that list -
> to reach them, if that was his goal, he would have needed to post to
> gtk-devel-l...@gnome.org

I didn't really understand that part ;) Where is/should be the
discussion? On gtk-devel-list or mobile-devel-list? Shouldn't the
developers be part of that decision process? At the moment it looks to
me that there is some money, but no one willing/able to do the work.
Where is this discussion that happened for a couple of weeks?

> It's certainly not too late! Head over there & pipe up now.

Is there anything a simple application developer can do? I'm just asking
before I put useless energy into this.

> Please do make these suggestions upstream. However, I would point out
> that €50,000 might not go as far as you would think on working down this
> list. It is, for example, about 10 or 12 man-months of good engineer's
> time - so "provide some people wite time and/or money" might mean 3
> people for 3 months, and your money is gone.

Again, where exactly is upstream?

By reading the other mails from Kimmo and Javier, there are some issues,
but they are already quite well know. Javier will work on the input
methods which is great. To me it sound like having another 3 or 4
GSoC-like projects should be enough to get initial work done. 50.000
would be enough for that.

Thanks for your input Dave! If you point me to the right threads, I'll
see whether or not I can contribute something.


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