On Wednesday 7. July 2010 12.13.00 Jeremiah Foster wrote:
> On Jul 7, 2010, at 04:12, Dirk Hohndel wrote:
> > Just as I wouldn't expect Nokia to work on adding support for HTC phones
> > on the ARM side...
> Ah, but there is the rub. Any improvement Nokia makes to Linux on the ARM
> processor is going to be immediately used by HTC and any other company
> that uses ARM v7. Companies realize that any development done is shared by
> all, so they hesitate and check if someone else is doing it first. It
> turns out that many companies are waiting on the sidelines to see what
> happens with MeeGo, who commits what and where the value is. But this
> waiting on the sidelines is dangerous - you can hear the sound of Android
> rushing past.

That is a good reason for being open from the start. The one who has the 
headway is the one whose contribution will eventually be accepted in a 
project. So if Nokia is making optimisations for the ARM support, Nokia should 
go public with them so that the optimisations that it needs are the ones that 
come first.

Delaying your work would mean someone else could do it first, in a way that is 
not entirely suitable for you. Or make it more difficult to merge your patches 

I don't know if any of you is familiar with the WebKit development model. 
Apple usually develops everything closed until the devices and capabilities 
are announced. Then the branches are made public.

So if you suspect Apple is developing something interesting in secret, you 
start developing the same thing in the public webkit.org community. That 
forces Apple to come forward with their work.

So if you suspect anything is going on behind closed doors in MeeGo, start 
developing that same thing and discussing in this mailing list and others. Try 
to seek agreement that this is the solution for MeeGo. Any development behind 
closed doors would have to come public or risk being preempted.

(yes, I'm serious and no, I don't know what's being developed that is not 
Thiago Macieira - thiago (AT) macieira.info - thiago (AT) kde.org
  Senior Product Manager - Nokia, Qt Development Frameworks
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