> ----- Original message -----
> From: "Foster, Dawn M‎" <dawn.m.fos...@intel.com>
> To: "Development for the MeeGo Project (discussion list)‎"
> Subject: Re: [MeeGo-dev] After handset day one - a plea for openness
> Date: Tue, 6 Jul 2010 13:13:43 -0700

> Randy,
> I think you are the only person who has requested a formal project
> management tool.
Actually, Carsten (originator of this thread) requested the same for
Maemo, as i've noted before.

And someone has to be first, anyway.� First != wrong.

> In my experience, installing a tool won't make
> people use it; however, if multiple people see this as a critical gap
> and are ready to use a project management tool, then we can look at
> implementing something based on the requirements coming from the
> project teams and project owners.

I don't believe I've ever claimed putting a tool out there induces people
to automatically use it.� But my own extensive experiences suggests that
a web-based project management tool will be very useful for the needs
Carsten expressed.� Not THE solution but certainly a big part of one.

> Project management tools are tricky beasts, since every project
> manager seems to have a favorite tool along with deep hatred for
> other project management tools, so I've found it difficult in the
> past to standardize on a single tool.

Difficulty != Impossibility.� Let's not let tricky beasts get the best of
us in identifying solutions.

> In general, I'd rather implement something based on requirements than
> perceived potential need that may or may not materialize.
Me too, and what I've proposed fits the former, not the latter.� The need
HAS materialized, and the basis is in Carsten's plea.

> If it's
> something needed by only a couple of people, there are many project
> management tools outside of the MeeGo infrastructure that people can
> use.

I think you're making an�assumption there.

> My question to the people leading projects within MeeGo - is this
> something you need to have implemented as part of the
> meego.com<http://meego.com> infrastructure?

As a project leader and community member I'm interested in that response
as well.� I'f I'm wrong, I'm wrong-- but I want to hear that from more
than a single person.

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