<snip interesting discussion>

It is nice that MeeGo opens this important topic for discussion. But ultimately 
isn't this just academic? What real weight does the community have in 
discussing MeeGo compliance?

And if MeeGo decides to go ahead with a draconian compliance scheme, what 
recourse does the community have?

        Q: Can we add random packages to the build system?
        A: No. Build system is closed. Go build your own.

        Q. Can we build our own OBS and be compliant?
        A: No, because you do not build against the MeeGo source in OBS

        Q: Can I simply re-create an entire MeeGo image and stuff my app on top 
of it?
        A: Sure! You're not necessarily compliant though.

        Q: What if I just say I'm MeeGo-like?
        A: Trademark violation. Our lawyers are standing by waiting for your 

        Q: Okay, I'll build in OBS and against your APIs, can I get in MeeGo?
        A: We already have an app that does what yours does.

I understand there is a need for;

        - A stable set of APIs
        - Governance transparency, i.e. no random, gratuitous changes 
        - Predictable release cycle
        - Well defined integration paths
        - Commercial support

And that all these things are what the compliance spec is designed to address. 
However, every step towards a heavy weight compliance program is a step away 
from Open Source and open community. Now this is quite a profitable path, (see 
FreeBSD and Apple,) however I think it wise that MeeGo just gets to the point 
and says that MeeGo a commercial Linux distribution and while community input 
is welcomed, it will not be a decisive factor in how the distro is built and 

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